What Are Lumens in LED Lights?

What Are Lumens in LED Lights?

When shopping for LED lights, one term you will come across often is the term lumen. In fact, on the information panel of an LED light, lumen ratings are often listed first. Lumens are an important measurement in lighting and understanding them will help you choose the right lighting for your needs. Here’s a closer look at what this term…

Energy-Saving Dimmable LED Lights

Energy-Saving Dimmable LED Lights

Lighting level needs are not always consistent. Sometimes you need more lighting than other times, and the ability to reduce or increase lighting levels helps you accommodate this need. Dimmable LED lights from HyLite LED Lighting fit this need well. These efficient lights give you the ability to control the lighting level, all while offering the benefits of LED for…

Exterior Lighting Solutions for Commercial Buildings

Exterior Lighting Solutions for Commercial Buildings

Commercial buildings need to be well lit both indoors and out. Exterior lighting is an important security and safety feature. When a building is properly lit outside, the risk of theft and vandalism drops significantly. Yet exterior lighting must always be on in order to be effective, and this can drive up energy costs. LED lighting solutions from HyLite LED…

Why Parking Lots Are Switching to LED Lighting {INFOGRAPHIC}

Why Parking Lots Are Switching to LED Lighting {INFOGRAPHIC}

A shift in parking lot lighting is happening. Many managers are switching from HID lamps to LED. Here’s a closer look at why… Difference in Operation LED lighting operates differently than HID lamps. With LED lighting, light is created using a semiconductor. In HID lamps, a fuel source is burned to create light. This change in focus helps LED lamps…

Dimmable LED Lights for Commercial Applications

Dimmable LED Lights for Commercial Applications

Sometimes, uniform lighting is not needed in a facility throughout the day. When you have the option to lower the amount of light your light fixtures use, you can customize your lighting while also reducing energy bills. Lowering the light intensity when natural light is covering some of the need during the day, for example, can cut energy bills significantly.…

LED Lights for Strip Malls

LED Lights for Strip Malls

A strip mall requires two things to be successful – the right visibility and many customers. LED lighting can help with both. Through LED lighting, you can improve the visibility and safety of your facility, and when people have a positive shopping experience, you will see a greater number of customers coming your way. Here is a closer look at…

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