Author Archives: Joe

What to Look for in a PAR Spotlight

What to Look for in a PAR Spotlight

PAR spotlights are not a new type of lighting. For almost a century, this has been the lighting choice for auditoriums, houses of worship, studios, convention centers, and any other facility that has a stage or platform. PAR stands for Parabolic Aluminized Reflector, and this is a can-style lighting solution that sends light in one fairly direct beam. The traditional…

Comprehensive Guide to PAR Lamps

Comprehensive Guide to PAR Lamps

Understanding, Benefits, and Transition to LED As you explore options for efficient and versatile lighting, you may encounter PAR lamps. These cost-effective light fixtures have been employed in various roles, from serving as landing lights at airports to providing theatrical lighting at popular entertainment venues. Let’s delve deeper into the world of PAR lamps and explore why their combination with LED…

Save Time & Money with a HyLink Lighting Control System

Save Time & Money with a HyLink Lighting Control System

Saving energy with your lighting starts with the most efficient LED lighting options. However, if you want to drive energy savings even further, you will need to control your lighting, ensuring it is only on when it is actually being used. An automated system can do that, with customization to change as needed, and HyLite LED Lighting is pleased to…

What Are Lumens in LED Lights?

What Are Lumens in LED Lights?

When shopping for LED lights, one term you will come across often is the term lumen. In fact, on the information panel of an LED light, lumen ratings are often listed first. Lumens are an important measurement in lighting and understanding them will help you choose the right lighting for your needs. Here’s a closer look at what this term…

Energy-Saving Dimmable LED Lights

Energy-Saving Dimmable LED Lights

Lighting level needs are not always consistent. Sometimes you need more lighting than other times, and the ability to reduce or increase lighting levels helps you accommodate this need. Dimmable LED lights from HyLite LED Lighting fit this need well. These efficient lights give you the ability to control the lighting level, all while offering the benefits of LED for…

Exterior Lighting Solutions for Commercial Buildings

Exterior Lighting Solutions for Commercial Buildings

Commercial buildings need to be well lit both indoors and out. Exterior lighting is an important security and safety feature. When a building is properly lit outside, the risk of theft and vandalism drops significantly. Yet exterior lighting must always be on in order to be effective, and this can drive up energy costs. LED lighting solutions from HyLite LED…