A traditional High-Pressure Sodium light (left) compared to HyLite LED Omni-Cob (right) in downtown Georgetown, SC.
HyLite Lights up Downtown Georgetown, SC
September 2nd, 2015
The city of Georgetown, South Carolina, has selected the HyLite LED Omni-Cob Lamp to upgrade 600 of its High-Pressure Sodium Lamps (HPS) post-top fixtures. The City is replacing the 150W HPS lamps with 36W HyLite LED Omni-Cob Lamps in the Historic District.
The HyLite LED Omni-Cob, with an efficacy of 140 lpw, will bring tremendous energy savings to the city. Over the next five years, this LED upgrade will reduce energy usage by 1.3 million kWh, saving the city over 76% in energy costs.
The HyLite LED Omni-Cob has a rated lamp life of 60,000 hours, (approximately three times longer than HPS), further increasing savings by reducing maintenance, including relamping, disposal, and labor costs. In addition to the financial benefits, upgrading to HyLite LED lighting will offset up to 1.6 million lbs. of CO2, which is equivalent to planting 1,828 trees or eliminating 2.1 million auto-miles.
Unlike traditional HPS lamps, which are typically standard for municipal street lighting, the HyLite LED Omni-Cob lamp generates a crisp, clean light that increases safety for pedestrians on sidewalks while enhancing visibility for drivers.
“We installed a few of the Omni-Cob bulbs in the Historic District, side-by-side with the traditional HPS lamps. It is a world of a difference visually,” says Shahil Amin, director at ARVA. “We are looking forward to seeing the entire area transform into a brighter, more energy-efficient location for the city of Georgetown.”
For More information on the Georgetown Project, Read the Case Study here.